Heroic Heera

Heera, whose name means “diamond” in Nepali, was born with Spina Bifida, a serious neurological disorder. Her parents were desperate to help their young daughter, and went into debt in search of treatment for her — they even sold their land — but nothing worked.
Six years later, they learned about HRDC from a former patient in a nearby village. But by then, Heera had developed a complication that had caused a life-threatening bone infection in her left foot, and the medical team had no option but to amputate part of her lower left leg. She spent several months in HRDC’s skilled and compassionate care, including having a custom prosthesis made and learning how to use it.

After years of anguish in their search of quality care for their child, Heera's parents are so grateful and relieved to have found HRDC. Heera herself is all smiles, happy to be back in school, and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
Like her name, Heera’s story is a shining example of HRDC’s dedication to Nepal’s poorest disabled children and to their motto: “love heals.” Every child healed, every life changed, is a triumph.
Through the end of May, all donations to HRDC will be matched, doubling your kindness toward children in need.
Please, make a gift and change a child’s life today.