Posts by Topic: Livelihood & Opportunity
Keeping connected in Miao
Villagers in Miao went for years without any access to the internet—or even knowing what a computer could be used for.
What's cooking in Kahule?
Maina Lama is breaking the mold for women in rural Nepal. She runs a small café in Kahule serving up veggies she grew herself, with help from an AHF-supported women's co-op.
Big improvements at Sambhota School
High in the hills outside of Darjeeling, life just got a little easier for the kids at Sambhota School.
Seeds of change
Prem and Urmila had a small parcel of land, three children, and a huge pile of debt until they joined Community Action for Development (CHAD), an organization in Dolakha funded by AHF to help farmers improve their lives through agriculture and animal husbandry.
Need a good cappuccino in Namche?
Nyima Tshering Sherpa can help you. Just step up to the bar at his Café 8848. Like something to read while you sip? No worries, he has a good selection in the Everest Book Store nearby.